Friday, November 23, 2007

My Interview with Clarkston News

Elizabeth Hawthorne was crowned 2008 Miss Michigan Teen USA. Photo by Trevor Keiser

I found my interview that I had with my hometowns newspaper "The Clarkston News" on the internet. So I wanted to share the article with all of you!

Serving Society
Pageant winner uses crown to inspire youth

November 07, 2007 - Elizabeth Anne Hawthorne began competing in beauty pageants at age 12. Little did she know four years later, she would be crowned Miss Michigan Teen USA 2008.

"When I won, it was just amazing; there are really no words to describe it," she said.

Hawthorne competed against 64 other girls from around the state. She said her main goal for the competition was just to have fun and to enjoy meeting all the other girls.

"The judges were so much fun, the interview was awesome, and the girls were amazing. We just had a really good time because we didn't have our parents around and it was basically like a dorm room, but in a hotel."

Previous to Miss Teen USA, Hawthorne won two other titles. In 2005 she won Dreamgirls USA and in 2006 she was crowned Miss Michigan Jr. Teen.

"This is biggest one I have ever had, and honestly the one I can say I worked very hard for because it was the very first time I was in a swimsuit, so working out everyday, running, and just being myself was the big thing," she said.

Hawthorne is involved in several charity events with her "sister Queen," Ms. Michigan USA Elisabeth Crawford. Hawthorne will also teach others about her platform, osteoporosis.

"My big goal is to help teens and tell them how to prevent osteoporosis in the future," said Hawthorne.

She chose this after hitting her hip during a dance routine in a pageant. A shock went up her spine and, after consulting with a chiropractor, she found out that she has extra cartilage on her rib. She originally thought it was a bone tumor.

"So I went online to find this bone tumor I thought I had and I couldn't find anything, especially for teens, and I came across the National Osteoporosis Foundation. I contacted Kris House who was one of the speakers, and I told her I would really like to be a spokesperson for teens and really get the word out about osteoporosis and how to prevent it," she said.

Hawthorne is also working closely with the foundation while writing her first book for teens about osteoporosis prevention.

As one of Hawthorne's recent charity events, she worked with the Octagon Club and dressed up as Princess Fiona from the movie "Shrek" for the Friendly Forest, as well as doing a walk for the National Osteoporosis Foundation. She is a junior and honor student at Clarkston High School. Activities include, SADD, Octagon Club, French Club and Rachel's Challenge. She is also active in the Clarkston Coalition for Youth.

During the competition, Hawthorne was asked, "if you could have any class in high school that you don't already have, what would it be?" Her response: a confidence building class.

"In our society, we are full of peer pressure and that leads to drugs, alcohol and anorexia, by having this class we can build these kids up and let them know it's ok to be confident and have self esteem. With that we can have a better community."

Hawthorne has been asked to speak at Shelby Township middle school about self-esteem, since the school is going through a hard time after the death of two students.

"(I want to) try to inspire them to be themselves and if they're different, to embrace that and be unique. Because I think we conform so much in high school than in junior high because of all the peer pressure, that we should just embrace who we are and love ourselves and also open their arms to other people."

Hawthorne hopes to speak to the Clarkson elementary, middle school and junior high about self-esteem and peer pressure. She has noticed an increase in drug use, since the DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) program has been taken out of the schools.

"I went through it (Dare) five times in my hometown and I appreciate it so much. It has taught me not to even be associated with kids that do drugs or alcohol and if I do come across them I am a strong enough person, to tell them it's not a good idea and it is not good for their body as well as illegal," she said.

Hawthorne said doing pageants has helped her figure out who she is as a person. In 2006 Hawthorne had the opportunity to meet Miss America Jennifer Berry and listen to her explain how she was picked on in fifth grade for being taller than everyone else.
"I was just sitting their crying because I was that same girl and I never really realized how alone and how empty that feeling was because I never faced it, I just kind of pushed it away. Once I found out I wasn't alone in that situation it just kind of opened up and I accepted it and I knew I grew from that."

The following summer led to a lot of growth for Hawthorne, she said many people can go their entire life without really knowing who they are as a person.

"I am thankful enough to figure out who I am. It's not only Miss America, but it's my parents, pageants in general and just people I've met along the way, especially God because he gave me life and gave me these amazing people that are in my path right now," she said.

Hawthorne was born in Kalamazoo but spent 10 years growing up in Grand Haven, which she considers to be her hometown, until moving to Clarkston as a ninth grader in 2005. She is the daughter of Steve and Peg Hawthorne.

As one of her prizes as being crowned Miss Michigan Teen, she received a full four year tuition $34,000 scholarship to Baker College, as well as contracts from I Group Talent Modeling agency and New View Model Management.

After graduation, Hawthorne plans to go to France to be a model for two years to get money for college, then come back and go to Baker for two years of General Education classes. Then she wants to transfer to a different college. She wants to become a licensed Psychologist.

Hawthorne will represent Michigan in the 2008 Miss Teen USA pageant in April.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

(My amazing and supportive brother, Seth and me)

I wanted to wish everyone a very blessed and Happy Thanksgiving! I am so thankful for so many things this year! Here are a few...not in any special order:

Winning the amazing title of Miss Michigan Teen USA 2008
Keeping my grades up and making the National Honor Roll (again : ) ) as well as the school honor roll
Award from National Osteoporosis Foundation
Invitation to a Leadership Conference
Details that worked out for Eagle University
A peaceful passing of my Grandpa Mac on Saturday, November 17th
My 17th birthday on November 18th
My family and friends are safe and healthy as well as me
My new sister in law, Cary
A beautiful wedding for my brother, Seth
My returned stolen purse (which was bought in Spain)
Many opportunities for me to grow as a person and help others through charity events and community service as well as speaking engagements
And the many blessings from the Lord, my Savior

I can't believe it's snowing on Thanksgiving day!! And our Christmas tree is already up! (this morning)!!!
I hope that today would be a special day of true thanksgiving in your heart! God bless you!
Much love,

Crown shots : )

The best director in the whole wide world, Melissa Pitchford, sent me some of my professional crown shots minutes after I won my title as Miss Michigan Teen USA 2008!

New Images from the Tim Priest Photoshoot!! : )

I still have not recieved the full disc of photos from the photoshoot, but Tim did send me 2 new pictures and I love them! I am so excited to see ALL of them hopefully very soon!! I can't wait to share them with all of you too! Enjoy!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Fitness USA!!!

On Friday after school, I went up to Flint to meet Jery my personal trainer for the next 6 months at Fitness USA! He is only 25 years old, but very knowledgeable about fitness and nutrition and will have me in top shape for the National pageant!

The facility is super nice and clean and has all the latest equipment and thankfully all of the machines are attached to a television so that we will can be preoccupied while we work ourselves into a sweat (it is probably used a distraction from all the pain!!)

This fitness training is one of the gifts I recieved from Fitness USA and because I am under 18 I have to have a parent with me so my mom gets to work out too!

Guess what my favorite food is? Tacos!! Yup, very hot and spicy too! But I want to be at Nationals in top shape soooooooo bad that I am willing to give them up for the next six months if I have to! Although, Jeri says I am allowed to "cheat" one day a week. It will probably always be a Sunday so I can still have my tacos, but just not as many!

I am really looking forward to the results of working out with a personal trainer. I have never had one before. I always work out anyway, but it helps to have someone tweak things! And I learned that Jery is great in Math and had a 3.9 gpa and said he would help me with Algebra anytime! I sure am a lucky girl! More later . . . . . . . :)

Thanksgiving Baskets :)

Getting up early on a Saturday morning isn't always easy, but if it is for community service or a charity event, it is always worth it!
On Saturday, November 17th, mom and I headed for Pontiac to help pack Thanksgiving baskets for the needy. This program is run through Lighthouse of Oakland County, a non-profit organization that meets the needs of Oakland county residents ~ they even help to pay bills when people are struggling in an emergency situation such as no water, electricity, and even help pay for pharmacy needs.

I met so many wonderful people who wanted to help others during the Thanksgiving holiday! Our morning crew volunteered from 9am-12noon. There were several tables stocked with foods of all kinds and all of us volunteers walked around in a very organized way. We went from station to station and filled up brown grocery bags that were called "baskets." We started out with singles, then to two person families, to 3, and finally bags for families of 4 and the bags got heavier and heavier! Mom and I decided to put cardboard box lids under our bags because the cans were so heavy and the cardboard lids helped keep the heavy cans from falling over in the bag. Pretty soon others saw us and did the same thing!! We had started a trend!!! :)

In three hours we had bags for 450 families! It was awesome to see all of the food stocked on the tables even after filling 450 "baskets." We felt we had barely made a dent, but a new crew came in for the afternoon to continue the work from 1pm-4pm.
I hope they found the time as rewarding an experience as I did! With our state really struggling right now because of the economy and the automotive industry up and leaving Michigan, and all of the foreclosures, it is so nice to know that many pople will have food on their table this year that otherwise might not have!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Miss Paw Paw ~ Blossomtime pageant :)

On Sunday afternoon I had the pleasure of working backstage with many lovely contestants from the Paw Paw area for a combined Teen and Miss pageant! It is a prelim for the Miss Blossomtime pageant held on the west side of the state! I had never heard of it before and I was thrilled to be asked to speak to the contestants before the competition began and also have an on-stage interview as well! I was invited by the pageant director, Mr. Josh Grimes, to share my pageant experiences with the girls because most of them had never participated in a pageant before! But you wouldn't have known that as they really showed a great deal of confidence and poise for newbies! I was so proud of each one of them for doing such a great job! :)

Mr. Grimes was hilarious and made everything so much fun!! The event was done so nicely and professionally, but the girls were definitiely the stars of the show!! My interview was a blast and Mr. Grimes put me at ease immediately!! He said I could talk for as long I wanted!! I did talk for a bit, but I was anxious to get back to see the rest of the competition as I wanted to see who won!! Thank you, Mr. Grimes, for including me in such a special night!

While I was talking backstage, before the pageant started, it was my honor to meet the new Miss Southwest Michigan, Kaylee Magroo!! She came as visiting royalty too and shared her talent routine (a monologue from Steel Magnolias) which almost had me in tears ~ she was so convincing. The only reason I was able to hold it together was because my interview was up right after she was done! Kaylee and I hit it off immediately when we met!! She is an amazing person and absolutely gorgeous with a warm and genuine personality! She and I share the same platform of building confidence in youth while speaking on self-esteem issues! We are both Christians and we know the gift that has been given to us as titleholders because of the Lord's blessings!

I plan to attend the Blossomtime pageant to see each city titleholder come together and compete for the Miss Blossomtime title!! I'll let you know how it goes! :)

Miss Capital City!

On Saturday night, Nov 10th, I attended the very first Miss Capital City (MAO) pageant! It was held at the Cadillac Club in Lansing! It was great to be able to cheer for so many of my friends that have cheered for me in the past! I love all pageants and all things that sparkle!
The whole night was fun and the competition was fierce! I am so glad that I was not a judge because all of the contestants were beautiful, wellspoken, and very talented! There were a few girls I have competed with before that have moved up to the Miss age group and they were awesome! I am so proud of them!

My friend and mentor, Tiffany Griffin, won the title and has an exciting year ahead of her! On Saturday she will be in the Silver Bells lighted parade which will end up at the steps of the Capital!! I would love to be there to see it!!!

Even though the room was full of MAO fans, I was deeply touched by the kind words of congratulations and the hugs! It was such a special night and I was happy to be a part of it!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Speaking on Self-Esteem at Malow Jr. High !! :)

Malow Jr. High students rock! What a great group of kids! Go Mustangs!
Because of a wonderful invitation from the school guidance counselor, Mrs. Witt, I had the amazing opportunity to go to Malow Jr. High, in Shelby Twp, and speak to eighth grade students for six hours on Friday, November 9th. Before I even started to share my message I was presented with a beautiful plaque to thank me for coming in! I was so surprised and I will treasure it always! The day was very exciting! I was on my feet for most of the day and I now have a new appreciation for all of my teachers! My feet were "dog" tired by the end of the day if you know what I mean! It was my day off from Clarkston High School and I was so thrilled to be asked to share my story with these students! :)

Malow Jr. Highers are required to take a Life Skills class. I spoke during each of the six classes ~ about one hour for each class. That is almost six hours of talking! Believe me, I was tired by the end and slept great that night! During the six hours, I talked about self-esteem issues, peer pressure, and I especially tried to help them with practical ways of finding out "who they are" and, of course, shared my pageant experience.

I am now hooked on public speaking and I hope that I will have many more opportunities to share my story and help other students to find out who they are! Motivational speaking is awesome!

Shortly after returning home from Malow Jr. High several of the students contacted me through myspace! It's great that they learned something that I had said or that maybe they don't feel so alone in a situation! I am thrilled they have written to me! I understand the responsibility I have been given with this title and just wanted them to know that if they had anything personal that they wanted to discuss with me that they could contact me on myspace. I have heard from several of the guys too ~ they weren't bored ~ they were listening! :)

I gave all of the students a challenge to take the time to find out who they are and I hope that they will do just that! And YOU can too! :)

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

I support ALL pageants!!!!

Saturday evening on November 3rd I made a Royalty appearance at the Miss Washtenaw's Outstanding Teen Pageant (MAO ~ Miss America Organization)!! I was there to support my friend Richelle! She did an awesome job and I was so proud of her! :)

For those of you who may not know, I have competed in several different pageant systems: Sunburst, Dreamgirls, National American Miss (NAM), MAO, International, and this year the USA pageant. I support ALL pageants! :)

I have now won three State titles: in 2005 Michigan Dreamgirls State Pageant, 2006 Miss Michigan Jr. Teen ~ National American Miss and now Miss Michigan Teen USA 2008!!! I was first runner-up in the Michigan International pageant in March 2006 just before the win at NAM!! I have been in the top 5 in a few MAO pageants as well and won a local Sunburst when I was 12! :) Every experience (win or lose) has taught me alot about myself and has helped me to grow and develop into a confident competitor!!
If you have never been in a pageant I encourage you to try at least one! It will change your life. It sure did mine!! :)

Clarkston News :)

On Wednesday, October 31st (Halloween Day) I had my first official interview as Miss Michigan Teen USA 2008!! My little hometown has a newspaper called The Clarkston News and it is a once-a-week publication. I recieved a phone call from Trevor Keiser, the staff writer, and he asked me to stop in after school for a casual conversation about the State pageant in Port Huron, what it felt like to win, what my plans are for the year, prizes won, and the National pageant. It was fun and Trevor was so nice that he made it enjoyable and I wasn't nervous at all. He took my picture as well and it is scheduled to be in the newspaper on Wednesday, November 7th!