Sunday, April 13, 2008

Miss USA ~ Vegas Baby!! :)

Vegas, baby!!!! Yes! It was everything I was hoping for and more!! It was such an honor to be able to attend the Miss USA pageant and to cheer for the beautiful Elisabeth Crawford ~ Miss Michigan USA 2008!! She was gorgeous!! I wish that all of you could have the opportunity to see how truly beautiful she is on the inside too! Raised by missionary parents, she has a pure and sincere heart for the Lord and other people! She did a fantastic job at the pageant! I was sooooooooooo proud of her!!! And to cheer for her and say she is my pageant sister, friend, and sister-in-Christ was a thrill! She is awesome and I have no doubt that she will go very far in this life!!

I traveled alone by plane to Vegas and met up with the gorgeous Miss Ohio Teen USA 2008, Chelsie Folden, her mom, and little sister! We had a blast! The other teen contestants are gorgeous and fun too! The competition for the title of Miss Teen USA will be fierce, but I am definitely up for the challenge! I had the chance to meet several of the girls and each one is so special in there own way! All of them are trying to make a difference in their corner of the world and I am so happy to be in this Class of 2008 teens!

I had the opportunity to meet Miss Universe, Miss USA, and Miss Teen USA. Those girls are absolutely STUNNING! Hilary was so sweet and I can't wait to get to know her a bit better during the competition!!!

I also had the opportunity to meet Mr Donald Trump and spoke to him two times!!! He was very gracious and held my hand as he pulled me through security to get our photo taken together!! I was very grateful that he did that for me! I also met Paula Shugart, but was not able to get a picture with her! Maybe I can the next time I see her!

I did get a photo with Joey Fatone from 'N Sync too! He was funny!! As well as Jason Crawford from Gossip Girls! They both were very nice!! Rob Schnider was a hoot! On the way back to our room Chelsie's sister, Taylor, saw him and he mouthed the words "I love you," as the elevator doors were closing. It was so funny! Too bad I didn't have the chance to meet him, but from a far he was hilarious!!

I was told that many people saw me on national television during the opening of Miss USA!! I have not seen it and my parents forgot to tape it. They didn't expect me to be on, but I heard they both jumped up off the couch when they saw me!! Haha!!! :) Hopefully someone recorded it and will be able to send me a copy, that would be very kind!

The USA pageant was so much fun! I wish you could have been there too! Everything was happening at once and all of it was glitz and glamour!! I loved it, that's the kind of thing I thrive on!! And everything was VERY loud! The energy in the auditorium was electric! It was truly amazing!!

Crystle Stewart (Miss Texas) won the title of Miss USA and she will be fantastic! She looked great and was in terrific shape! I am sure she worked really hard to get her swimsuit figure!! On stage she looked about 10 feet tall and very beautiful and really white teeth! Hopefully I will have the opportunity to meet her at Miss Teen USA!

I LOVED Vegas and I would love to return!! Planet Hollywood was amazing and stunning beyond belief! I wouldn't mind living there!!! ; )We stayed at the hotel and the food was delicious! It was REALLY hot in Vegas and once we checked out of the hotel I wore my heavy winter Michigan coat everywhere and looked like a goof ball!! I expected it to be much colder in the morning, but it was really 80 degrees when we got out in the sunshine! But what can you do??? I had a fantastic time and I would do it all again! Vegas was everything and more than I was expecting or hoping for and I wasn't disappointed one bit!!

And if you are wondering . . .yes, I hope to compete for Miss USA someday in the future!! :)

1 comment:

PageantGirl said...

Oh WOW! That sounds so much fun!!!!! I WOULD HAVE LOVED THAT!!!! I am planning to be a contestant in the Miss Teen USA or Miss USA in the following years!!! You are my inspiration!!! God Bless!!!!