Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Michigan District JOOI Conference 2008

On Friday & Saturday April 25-26 I attended the JOOI Conference in Waterford, Michigan. This conference provided Leadership skills and information to make each Junior Optimist and Octagon clubs a huge success!!

My best friend, Amanda Cornwall, is the area President of our club and is also the Governor over all Clubs throughout the United States! I am sooooooooooo proud of her! :)

Friday night was mostly to socilaize and meet everyone. We had a pasta dinner, movie, games, gym fun and a pool party! Girls slept in the library and the guys slept in the gym.

On Saturday we started off with a Continential Breakfast and then had guest speakers, officer elections for next year, breakout sessions, we learned about Parlimentary procedures, problem solving, team building, advisor training, and finished with a film about ideas to use during the upcoming year. Our break included pizza (everyone's favorite!) and then we kept learning about how to have a successful year with new ideas!

I thought only our high school had the Octagon Club (a school volunteer organization) and so I was surprised to see so many other schools represented! I had a blast! As you all know by now, I LOVE community service! It's a great way to give back to your community and help others in the process! And if you are not involved in volunteering somewhere I hope that you will because it will change your life! It sure has mine!!:)

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