Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Sightseeing Washington, D.C.

On Friday, Feb 29th (Leap Year!) mom and I had a free day to take in all that we could for sight seeing. Honestly, we didn't even make a dent!! There is so much to see and do in Washington D.C!!

On our way to see the huge statue of Abraham Lincoln my mom fell on the sidewalk. The curb was freakishly high and she hit the top of it with her toes and then she fell. Because my mom has Osteoporosis she is afraid of falling and breaking a hip, but she was okay. We had just walked by the Georgetown University Hospital and some guy had just finished his shift there when he saw my mom laying down on the sidewalk so he ran right over and helped her up. She said she was more embarrassed than anything else, but it was scary I must admit.

It was unbelievably cold and we walked everywhere!! We spent alot of time at the Smithsonian Museum and we had a blast! We saw the hope diamond! Awesome!!! And lots of animals in the exhibits and dinosaur's too!!

Seeing the White House in person is indescribable!! I have seen hundreds of pictures of it before, but they don't compare to seeing it with your own eyes!! I was really there, but President Bush was too busy to come out and say hi or offer us Hot Chocolate! LOL!! We also visited the Vietnam Wall. It was a very eerie and hauntingly somber place. I don't think I will ever forget it.

We went to several other places to see the sights and hope to get back in warmer weather to see the rest! Lastly, we shopped in Georgetown (a very cool place) and I bought a few tee shirts for myself! We ordered pizza back in the hotel room and packed to head home for an early Saturday flight.

***The trip was awesome and the fact that NOF believes in me to be their Teen Ambassador is a dream come true for me!! :) I will give it everything I've got!! :)


Victoria said...

Hi Elizabeth!! I am Victoria, one of the girls that was in the 2006 National American Miss Pageant with you and saw you won! I am so happy that you were crowned Miss Michigan Teen USA 2008!!! I discovered you on Youtube while I was getting ready for the NAM 2008 Pageant. I am SO HAPPY for you and am going to cheer you on at the Miss Teen USA pageant when it is televised! GOD BLESS YOU, GOOD LUCK, AMD HAVE FUN!!! Feel free to email me at any time!!

Victoria said...
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Victoria said...

Oh! My email is Maybe you can even give me some tips for this years pageant for me? Please? Thanks in Advance!! God Bless.

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