Wednesday, March 5, 2008

National Osteoporosis Foundation Headquarters in Washington, D.C.!!

On Wednesday, Feb 27th, my mom and I flew to Washington, D.C. to meet with the staff at the National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF) headquarters and to prepare for my visit on Capital Hill!

The staff did everything with such class and they were very prepared for our arrival. I had several meetings with various departments to learn all that I could about how the organization is run. First, I met with Mr. Leo Schargorodski who is the Executive Director. I was then given a tour of the offices with Kris House, the Community Outreach & Special Events Manager, who I have worked closely with for the past year.

From there I went to various departments: Advocacy, Education, and Communications. Each person involved led me through a great deal of information (at times overwhelming!!) but I learned more than I thought I could! The meetings ran from 1:30pm-5:30pm. I can't believe how much work goes into running an organization and how much there is still to do to get the word out about Osteoporosis.

After the last meeting we went to dinner at Kinkeads. It was a very beautiful resturant and featured a live piano player! Mrs. Judy Black joined us as well. At one time, Mrs. Black worked in the White House with former President Ronald Reagan. She is now involved traveling with the John McCain staff helping with his campaign.
She is also very involved with NOF as a Board Member and has spoken to members of Congress herself about Osteoporosis. I heard so many real life stories about people who have had devastating effects of this disease. I am even more faithful about taking my calcium pills and making healthy choices for my bone care.

After dinner, mom and I headed back to our hotel room. It was huge!! And very stylish as it was decorated in yellow and blues. Everyone walks in D.C or takes the metro (subway) or taxis. But most people walk. We did and it was FREEZING out!! A week ago they had 50 & 60 degree weather and several daffodils and croqusis had bloomed (yes, in February!) and then with the cold front they were frozen and lifeless. It was really wierd to see!

I loved Washington, D.C. and I hope to return again soon. I would love to attend the Cherry Festival and take in more sights next time.

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