Thursday, October 4, 2007

What a blessing!!!

Hello everyone!
I am Elizabeth Anne Hawthorne the new Miss Michigan Teen USA 2008!! Sometimes I still can't believe it!

I wanted to write about my experience at the state pageant in Port Huron! But before I get into the pageant, I wanted to talk about the prep team for the make-up seminar held a month earlier in Ann Arbor. These ladies are amazing! I think I had the lightest skin at the seminar and they gave me some tips that I can use in my future! It was nice to meet some of the girls that I would be getting to know over the weekend of Sept 20-22nd! We even had a group photo at the end! The staff really made all of us girls feel welcome and comfortable during the make-up session and during the pageant weekend!

Okay ~ the pageant!!! The registration was a breeze! I had everything organized and ready to go so I could get ready for an amazing time at the pageant! It was nice to see the ladies from the prep class again and they were warm and gracious as always! They helped keep us comfortable and secure all weekend long! After registration, I moved into the hotel room and met my roommate and new friend, Heather, she made the weekend SO much fun!

Later that night we had an Orientation and were introduced to the rest of the staff. Kent was our choreographer and worked us hard! It felt great and he made it so much fun! We danced right after the Orientation for 5 hours! But, of course, we had a break for a salad dinner! We all tried out for a spot in the front of the dance line, for the opening number, and I was one of the top 9 girls to be chosen and I was excited! No pressure right??!!! ;)

After we all left the auditorium for the night we boarded a bus that transported us from the hotel to the theater. Heather and I stayed up and talked for awhile so we could get to know each other! She is an amazing person and our personalities clicked!

The next morning was the Interview. I was excited, but relaxed, and ready for them to see who I am as a person! I went to the first table, with 3 judges, and they were very nice! The next table had a set of judges as well and were a lot of fun too!! Here are some of the questions I was asked:

Why do you want to be a Psychologist?

If you were on Americas Next Top Model, how would you act?

If you win Miss Michigan Teen USA, you get to travel all over the world, where would you want to go?

I had the best interview of my life and I was very confident and happy with the outcome! :)

After the interview, both Heather and I had a lot of time to get ready, eat breakfast, and just hang out. At the time it felt like forever because our interviews were around 8ish in the morning and we had until 12 noon to get on the bus to return for more rehearsals in the auditorium!

We boarded the bus and went back to the theater for lunch and then more rehearsing (this time it was only 3 hours long.) It was a dress rehearsal for Swimwear and Formalwear. We then had a break for dinner. After dinner we had to get ready for the Preliminary competition. I had a BLAST on stage! It was my first time in a Swimwear competition! We were told to pose at each stair and marked spot. I felt very confident in both my formal wear and swimwear! After competition we went back to the hotel to get some rest!

The last day (Saturday) was the afternoon of our final pageant! It was sad packing and getting ready to leave because Heather and I had become close friends so quickly! And the weekend would be over before we knew it.
The auditorium was very full for the competition. We could hear the audience cheering and ready to watch us compete! I had so much fun with the opening number! I loved the song (it talked about being different and had a bit of a rock sound to it) and the choreography was awesome!!! The crowd loved it! :)

Then came the annoucement of the top 15 girls that would re~compete for top 5 spot. I was full of butterflies and knew whoever was going to be called for these 15 spots, would happen for a reason! I was the 13th one called! I remember the emcee saying something like "It's not the Price Is Right, but come on down Elizabeth Hawthorne, Miss Clarkston!" I was so ecstatic when I heard my name called! We re~competed in swimwear and formal wear ~ just us 15 contestants. I remember thinking " I hope I don't trip!" After the competition was scored, the emcees called the top 5 girls to compete for the title and court by answering an on stage question. I was the 3rd one called! It was funny because I remember thinking to myself "If I make the top 5 I want to be the 3rd one called!" We all got great questions! Each judge wrote a question on a piece of paper and the questions were put in a fish bowl for us to pull out. My question was: "What class would you create for a school that doesn't already offer it and why?" (Of course I can't tell you my answer!!)

After all the girls answered their question we all walked to the middle of the stage where we stood on a dot in the middle of the half cirlce we had created. We each stood in the center under a spotlight while the Emcee asked, "Will Miss _____ be our new Teen Queen?" while the audience applauded for their favorite. It was exciting to hear the crowd go wild for all five of us! Then we exited the stage. At this time all of the teen contestants came back on stage for the other awards (Miss Congeniality and Miss Photogenic). After those were announced, the top 5 came back on stage and were annouced as the court and the new Miss Michigan Teen USA winner.

I was so thankful to even get as far as top 5 and knew it was up to God on what happened next! Our futures were in His hands. Casy was called 4th runner up, then 3rd runner up was Chelsea, 2nd was Vera, and the last 2 of us was my good friend, Cameron, and me. We faced each other and held hands. We both agreed that at this point it didn't matter which one of us won because we were supportive of each other! Cameron and I have competed together before and she is a great competitor and friend! I remember thinking she looked stunning! When they called Cameron's name as the first runner up, that meant I won!!!! I couldn't believe it!!!!! I cried. I cried because I knew how very blessed I was for this wonderful, unique, and very special opportunity! Not many girls have the chance to be crowned Miss Michigan Teen USA!!!!! Caitlin Klug was last years Teen queen and she crowned me!! It was especially touching because she is one of my friends and I have known her for many years! I don't even think I bent down to make it easier for her to put the crown on myhead ~ she is a bit shorter than I am!!! I was so excited and I just don't remember if I bent down or not! I need to watch the DVD to see all the details that I don't remember in my excitement! LOL!

I'm thrilled and very appreciative to go to Nationals! To have this opportunity to experience some great volunteer and charity events during the year is especially humbling ~ I can't wait!!! :) I am looking forward to the photoshoots, hair and make-up assistance, trunk shows, and media events that I am invited to. The prizes are unbelievable!!! A $34,000 scholarship to Baker College, the photoshoots, modeling representation, a digitial camera as well as a new dress for Nationals, and too much to mention here!

After talking to the judges and the director, our family went to a new hotel so we could rest a bit and get something for dinner. Then I had to get redressed and prepare for the Miss pageant! When I walked backstage at the Miss pageant, I had a chance to meet the girls as a group because they were doing last minute practice with Kent. I later went out to get pictures taken on the red carpet before the pageant started! It was a lot of fun and great practice for the National pageant!!! I was very excited for the Miss competition to begin because I knew some of the girls competing! They were all awesome and looked beautiful! During their show I was interviewed by the emcee's about my plans throughout my reign and what it felt like to win! I honestly don't remember what I said because I was still so excited from winning! I did have the opportunity to talk about an issue I am very passionate about ~ Osteoporosis! I will tell you more about that in another blog ! At the conclusion of the Miss pageant it was announced that Elisabeth Crawford won and was crowned Miss Michigan USA 2008! She is a sweetheart! YEAH for the "Elizabeths"!!! Only difference is I have a Z and she has an S! Guess we need to come up with some nicknames!

After Elisabeth's crowning and pictures we went to the Afterglow Party! I had never been to one and had no idea what to expect. The party was a lot of fun and I had my first chocolate strawberry from a chocolate fountain! We both had a chance to mingle a little bit with many supporters and had the opportunity to speak with the judges as well. Caitlin and I said our goodbyes and we promised to keep in touch!

After all the excitment of the party I went back to the hotel and put my crown and banner (sash) on my pillow next to me. The former queens told me it will bring me good luck! It was really cool to wake up looking at the crown the next morning knowing that it was not a dream afterall and that I really am the Miss Michigan Teen USA 2008!!! :)

I am blessed beyond measure and honored to have this title!!! I am SO excited for the rest of the year ahead of me and what I can accomplish in and for my state and community!!!

A very special thank you for all of the support so many of you have given to me throughout the years to get to this place in my life!!! May the Lord pour out His blessings on you!

With much love,
Elizabeth Anne Hawthorne
Miss Michigan Teen USA 2008
16 years old

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