Sunday, December 9, 2007

Volunteering for Christmas! :)

I love to participate in community service/volunteer work! Saturday morning I volunteered with Lighthouse of Oakland County (same place and organization as the Thanksgiving baskets) to help put together Christmas gifts for needy families.

My job was to go through the list and make sure all of the gifts were the right sizes and age appropriate for each family! My first assignment was to go through 21 boxes for the first family! It took forever, but well worth it! I wish I could see the smiles on their faces this Chrsitmas when they open everything!
As always, I met the most wonderful people and met several other teens who were volunteering too! When we had a break in the action, I had the opportunity to share all about the Miss Michigan Teen USA pageant and all of the volunteer work and events I have had the opportunity to participate in! They had many questions and it was nice to laugh and talk about how similar and different our high schools were too! I think we all left feeling good that in some small way we were all able to make someone else's Christmas special this year! :)

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