Sunday, December 30, 2007

Queen For A Day!!!!!

Today is Sunday, December 30th, and as 2007 comes to an end, I was reminded once again how precious life is! My sister queen Miss Michigan USA, Elisabeth Crawford, invited me to attend a Queen For A Day event! I had heard of this event before, but I had never participated in one and now I am hooked! :)

My mom and I drove about an hour over to Ann Arbor's Motts Children's Hospital. Motts was a first for me too. Once we found our way to the main lobby we met two wonderful ladies who are very committed to the Queen For A Day organization! Dena Rominick and Tina Gallando greeted us and told us what to expect. We registered at the desk and made our way to visit our Queen For A Day! I was a bit apprehensive as I didn't know how I would react and I didn't want to cry.

When we found the room, we met the cutest little 6 year old girl named Breanna Strange! She remembered Elisabeth from a fashion/modeling show that Breanna did just before her recent surgery! Small world! Here mom and dad were also present for this uplifiting experience!
Breanna has a condition I had never heard of called: Dystonia. It is often compared to Parkinson's Disease where the nervous system has a miss-fire of communication and the body sometimes twitches and is very "tight" which can cause pain. Dystonia does not cause any mental problems and I could tell she was very bright! I was very impressed with Breanna ~ to be so young with so many obstacles already at six years old and many more challenges ahead she remains cheerful and has the sweetest disposition! Breanna is in the first grade and loves Disneyworld characters (me too) so we had alot in common from the start! Plus we both love princesses, crowns, queens, and anything that sparkles!

Breanna had surgery three days earlier and was in a full body cast. She looked sooooooo tiny in that big hospital bed, but she had a big grin for all four of us! We all took turns introducing ourselves and she didn't miss a word! Her favorite color is purple and she wore a purple ribbon in her hair. She loved the fleece blanket with purple and pink ballerina's on it and requested purple sparkly nail polish when she had her manicure! She loved all the toys gifts and crafts she recieved and you could tell she will be a future beauty queen one day as she loved to be photographed!

Toward the end of our visit she was presented the crown and scepter, which she loved, and was officially the Queen For A Day! We promised we would see her again and we all wish her a very speedy recovery. The full cast will remain on for three more weeks, but she knows that she will be better soon!

Her neighbors and friends were visiting too while we were there. They were so sweet and waited patiently as the festivities were going on. At the end of the "tea party" the girls were given the Boa feathers we were wearing and they were delighted! I am sure we will see them again too!

It was a precious day, with a precious little girl, who reminded me today how precious life is . . . . and the relationships we share are precious too! Thank you Breanna!

*** To learn more about Dystonia go to any search and it will lead you to several links that explain it much better than I can! Breanna also has a webite of her own as she is trying to educate others about Dystonia and how it affects her life! I have not been able to find it for some reason, but when I do I will post it for you!

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