Friday, June 20, 2008

Summer Special Olympics!! :)

Returning to volunteer again for the Special Olympics was a highlight of my reign! This time it was the Summer Olympics and they did not disappoint! These athletes worked so hard to compete at their best and I was very proud of each and every one of them! It was so nice to see so many of them had come to the Summer games after I watched them compete this Winter up in Traverse City! The summer games were at Central Michigan University May 29-31st. I had never been there before and it was an amazing place!

My mom and I stayed in a student dormitory where several athletes also stayed. Our room was HUGE and really meant for four people so we only used half of the space. The night before we left the Olympics a funny thing happened. Mom and I were headed back up to the room for the night when I pulled the room key out of my purse and it fell out of my hand and down into the elevator shaft!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You could pay me a million dollars and I couldn't do it again!!! It was so embarrassing to have this happen in front of so many people waiting to get on the elevator, but all I could do was laugh!!

The closing ceremony and the dance is always a fun time! Everyone loves to dance to "YMCA" which is always led by the police and military ~ boy they can dance! Imagine my surprise when last year's Miss Michigan Teen USA 2007 Caitlin Klug showed up at the dance with her beautiful smile!! I was so surprised and and happy to see her! The athlete's were thrilled too as many of them remembered her!! :)

Although the weather didn't always cooperate, with a few events cancelled because of the rain, it didn't dampen any one's spirits! I always walk away from the Special Olympics filled with such joy! These athlete's really do work hard and their determined spirits are always a boost! I am amazed how genuine they are win or lose. They are proud of their friends and their effort even when their own personal effort may not have won! They are all truly winners in my eyes and I am so blessed to be part of their lives and to cheer them on as they compete!

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