Friday, May 23, 2008

New York City's NOF Silhoutte Gala Ball !! :)

Back in January I was told I was invited to attend the National Osteoporosis Foundation's Silhoutte Gala Ball Event held each year in New York City!! I was so excited and I could hardly wait!!

Finally, on Friday morning, May 16th I boarded a plane and flew to JFK airport, with my parents, to attend the presitgious award dinner! We were picked up by a private car company and were driven in a town car to the Waldorf Astoria! I could live like this everyday!! :)

We arrived in NYC in the afternoon and we were driven to the beautiful Waldorf Astoria Hotel!! It was beyond any words I could find to describe it!! The history of this hotel is unbelieveable! Did you know that the Dutch & and Dutchess of Windsor lived there for two years? The lobby had elaborate paintings, architecture, and marble floors just to mention a few features! The center clock stands on a pedestal and is over nine feet tall. It is supposed to chime every half hour, but chimed whenever it felt like it!! I couldn't help but laugh!

We had left so early to catch the plane that we didn't eat breakfast so we ventured out into downtown NYC to find a bite to eat. We got caught in a downpour of rain. Our umbrella was still packed in our lugguage and we couldn't get to it until we were allowed in our room at 3pm. People were everywhere in the streets of NYC. The billboards were awesome and the taxi's were constantly honking . . . and I LOVED everything about it! The "city that never sleeps" did not disappoint me whatsoever!! :)

After we got into the room we started getting ready for the Ball. My dad wore a tux and mom wore a long navy blue gown with lots of beadwork on it (I picked it out for her) and I wore my turquoise teared gown with lots of Swarvorski crystals, my crown, and sash! We headed downstairs and I was so happy to see all my new friends from NOF that I had met face to face in February when I visited their headquarters!! We had VIP pictures taken and I met some absolutely incredible people!! One guest that I met was one of the first astronauts to ever walk on the moon and his name is Buzz Aldron! I met Lesley Stahl a correspondent from the 60 Minutes TV show who was the Mistress of Ceremonies for the Ball this year although I was not able to have a photo taken with her at her request. I also met Rep Rogers a retired Senator and this year's "Strong Women Stand Tall Award" winner Grace Palmer. Mrs. Palmer is 81 years young and she volunteers M-F at various places while living with osteoporosis!! Her nickname is "Amazing Grace" and I can see why! She was very sweet and I hope that I will be as active as she is when I am 81!! :) I had heard that Mr. Donald Trump was also invited to the event (he just lives up the street a few blocks) but he did not attend. He is a very busy man. But maybe next year!?

The dinner was very good although I cannot pronounce half of the food that was served! While we ate we were entertained by three young guys called "The Three Waiters." They were extremely talented singers and hysterically funny. I just about spit my food out because I was laughing so hard!! They sang opera as soloists, duets, and a trio and they recieved a standing ovation! I could have listened to them all night.

After dinner the presentations began and I was introduced as the official Teen Ambassador for the National Osteoporosis Foundation! I am the only teen in the country working with this organization (or this platform that I know of). It is difficult to describe the wave of emotions that came over me. What an honor to stand up and be recognized, but more than that just knowing that I am involved with a national organization that is helping others felt extremely gratifying. I am very honored and humbled to be working with such an awesome group of people!!

After dinner, the dancing began, but we went up to our rooms as we had been up very early and we needed to rest and gear up for Saturday and Sunday to see as much of NYC as possible!

Saturday we went to Rockafellar Plaza, Times Square, Central Park, and even saw Trump Towers (at least the outside)!! We shopped everywhere and even went to Macy's (9 floors of shopping ~ pure Heaven) where the Macy's New Years Parade is held every year. On Sunday we took the subway (very interesting and I did see a rat) to Battery Park so we could see the Statue of Liberty. We did not go to Ellis Island this trip because we didn't have the whole day to spend as we had to fly back to Michigan. We walked out on the Brooklyn Bridge and took in as many things as we could. There was one part of the trip that I will never forget. We went to Ground Zero where the two Towers were hit by the terrorists on Sept 11, 2001. The emotions that I felt were quite surprising to me as this event happened so long ago. I felt very angry and profoundly sad. Every tear that fell to the ground was in honor of our lost ones on that fateful day. I also felt very proud to be an American too. I could see that the work continues at Ground Zero. I understand that construction has started to make some kind of memorial. I plan to see the finished work one day when it is completed.

I am planning to return to NYC to take in a Broadway play! I felt right at home in NYC walking on Park Ave, and Broadway, and all over the place!! I can very easily see myself living there without any problems! New York City is definitely "my kind of town!!" I even bought a sweatshirt that says I (heart) NY!

To attend the 13th Annual Gala Awards Dinner Dance in NYC at the Waldorf Astoria this year during my reign as Miss Michigan Teen USA is a night I will forever cherish and one of the biggest highlights of this special year! I was once told that being 17 is not a special year like "sweet sixteen" or turning 18 or 21 . . . but I beg to differ! I have the best life of any 17 year old that I know! I am truly blessed!! :)

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PageantGirl said...
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